‘Third House’ is an alliance between Dave Barbarossa, drummer with Adam Ant, Bow Wow Wow and Republica and Umair “Spider” Chaudhry, Silent Weapon.

The sound takes elements of post-punk, darkwave and electronica, combined with Dave’s tribal drums and Umair’s baritone vocals to create something unique.

Lyrically, the songs deal with themes of spirituality/mysticism, societal observation and personal struggle.

Their first EP, “Inside Outside” was released on the 1st of November 2024, featuring 4 songs written, produced and performed by the band.

Third House upcoming gigs:

12th of October, 2024 @ Rooz (London)
25th of October, 2024 @ The Handle Bar (Oxford)
26th of November, 2024 @ The Facebar (Reading)
20th of December, 2024 @ The Water Rats (London)

Dave Barbarossa – Drums
Spider – Vocals, guitars and synths


Dave Barbarossa

A protégé of punk rock alchemist Malcolm McLaren, he was instrumental in creating the tribal drumming signature of Adam & the Ants and Bow Wow Wow. Latterly he has played for Republica, Chicane, Adamski, and Roland Gift of the Fine Young Cannibals.

Umair “Spider” Chaudhry

He has been associated with many bands and musical projects, most notably Oxford Hardcore band Xmas Lights. Current projects are Silent Weapon, Walls of Freedom and Gift of Blindness. He’s also a professional Sound Engineer, taking care of the band’s production duties at present.


“Inside Outside” EP


“Inside Outside” Music Video